Monday, June 10, 2013

Twenty-seven years minus more or less ninety days

It's been a long ride with at least the least decade into the wind.  A good friend recently commented that I'd really said nothing good about it, that I'd not expressed being happy about it for the last seven years.  Somewhere between the 2001 recession and 2005 or 2006 it really became frustrating.  The 2008 recession capped it off, cutting my staff in half and greatly reduced budgets.

So, by SEP 30, 2013, I'll be out of there.  A couple of years ago I could feel this coming on and grabbed the name 'Twenty Year Shot Clock' since I was 60 at the time and you've maybe twenty good years left before you cannot hear at all, cannot see and become obsessed with eating and pooping.  I wanted to make every day count and that included writing creatively and generally finding happiness.

The commitment is now made to write every day as I put my efforts into the life opportunities that have not had as much focus as they should have for the past 27+ years.

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